The flat coffin lid is not just a design

The flat coffin lid is not just a design

Design with purpose

What does a dignified and sustainable standard coffin look like that contains exactly the amount of material needed and which can be produced by known processes?

The answer is a minimalist and elegant coffin weighing just 12 kg, which breaks with traditions of domed coffin lids and ornaments and challenges our material norms.

Design and material are important because:

  • The quantity and type of material meets the precise need for combustible value. This avoids burning unnecessary amounts of wood and achieves a historically low weight. 
  • The paper liner of the panel has a strength that allows the bottom to be cut out in one piece. This eliminates traditional energy-intensive production processes for assembly and finishing. 
  • The panel's paper liner eliminates the need for subsequent resource-intensive finishing. 
  •  The panel material is FSC certified, which means, among other things, that no more trees are felled than the forest can reproduce.

Papir og miljø

I gamle dage brugte man 100.000 liter vand for hvert ton papir, man producerede. Vandet blev dengang forurenet af klor, som man brugte til at blege papiret med - og som er en gift for dyr og planter. I dag er det noget helt andet. I dag løber vandet i et lukket system, som papirfabrikken renser og bruger igen og igen, så det ikke forurener. Samtidig har man fundet ud af at blege papir uden klor ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free. Den kemiske proces er den samme som benyttes til hårblegning hos f.eks. frisører). Teknikken er fri for elementær klorgas uden dannelse af dioxiner og dioxinlignende forbindelser (kræftfremkaldende stoffer). Tilsammen har det gjort, at papirfabrikker i dag forurener meget lidt.